A Word from our President
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our school. Our school has five major divisions of study to offer prospective students. They are as follows: The College of Biblical Studies and Theology; The College of Pastoral Care and Ministry; The College of Clinical Pastoral Counseling; and Minnesota Christian Academy (adult Christian high school for those who have not yet finished a high school level of education), and finally our Korean Extension Program. In addition to those five major divisions of study, we offer other options in our Designated Studies and External Research Programs Department.
We offer resident study at our extension class programs held both on and off our main campus. We offer external study programs through correspondence or research and designated studies. In the designated studies and external research study programs, a degree program can be custom designed to meet an academic need for training in a multiple of choices including missions, church administration, Christian education, music and more. The external research and designated studies concept are especially attractive to the mature individual who is already in a place of ministry and cannot attend a college or graduate program on a daily basis but needs to complete their education.
Our school programs are based on evangelical, fundamental, charismatic style principles looking at the Bible as the inspired and only infallible and authoritative Word of God.
We encourage you to look through our website describing our programs, and if any of our programs can address your needs for further training, we would invite you to consider Minnesota Graduate School of Theology.
May God richly bless you and guide you by His Spirit as you seek a place of training for ministry in the body of Christ.
In Christ's Service,
Dr. Esther Sigvertsen Ph.D.
President, Minnesota Graduate School of Theology